What is Optimal breathing?
Optimal breathing or Resonance Frequency Breathing is a scientific term describing a specific breathing rate where your heart, mind, and breathing are in perfect harmony. This is the goal of meditation and yoga practice. Depending on your state of mind and internal physiological balance, the best breathing rate to achieve optimal calmness may be anywhere from 4.5 to 8 breaths per minute. This rate will change constantly.
Breathing at your Resonance Frequency rate results in a positive mood and improvement in health such as lower blood pressure. Research shows that breathing at a rate of 1 breath per minute off from your Resonance Frequency Breathing rate, reduces the beneficial effects we are trying to achieve.
Example: Let’s say based on your current state of mind, your Resonance Breathing rate is 5.5 breaths per minute. If you are breathing at a constant 6.5 breaths per minute, you are not achieving your maximum stress reduction.